Collaborative CRM plugins

Collaborative CRM is an approach to customer relationship management (CRM) in which the various departments of a company, such as sales, technical support, and marketing, share any information they collect from interactions with customers.


Customer Mobile App (appSys)

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XY Media Website:


Telephony Integration (callSys)

Integrating the phone with the Microsoft Dynamics makes the daily phone tasks easy and ensure everything is properly tracked in the CRM. It includes the features like the phone call list auto dialing, progressive dialer, Click to dial, inbound call control and screen pop.
The calling process between the caller and the organization can be tracked. If the caller is not in your CRM database, the CRM allows you to create a new contact under that call. With the computer telephony integration, the organization can enhance the productivity through better sales and customer coordination.


Telegram Integration (telegramSys)

  • Photoshop
  • Indesign
  • HTML
  • CSS


Mailchimp Integration (mailSys)
Essentially what we have done with our plug-in is focused on allowing a Microsoft Dynamics CRM user to stay within the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product to quickly create and execute an e-mail campaign, and of course leverage the powerful features of MailChimp at the same time.


fax Integration (faxSys)

  • Photoshop
  • Indesign
  • HTML
  • CSS